Mama Pacha

About Us

Creative Psychotherapy & Plant Medicine

At Mama Pacha Psychotherapies, we are dedicated to guiding you on a profound journey of healing through the transformative synergy of plant medicine and creative psychotherapies. We offer a space where ancient wisdom meets modern therapeutic practices, providing a holistic approach to personal growth and well-being. 


About me

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

I’m a psychodynamic psychotherapist based in London, UK, with roots tracing back to Uruguay, South America. My journey into the intersection of medicinal plants and mental health began at an early age. After finishing my degree in Clinical Psychology in Uruguay, I pursued further studies, obtaining a Masters in Art Psychotherapy from the University of Roehampton, London.

I deliver creative psychotherapy sessions both in London and online via Zoom. My path has been one of merging two passions: the therapeutic work aimed at enhancing individuals’ mental & emotional wellbeing and a profound belief in the healing power of natural remedies, plant medicine, and nature. This integration serves as the cornerstone of my practice, guiding individuals on a journey towards holistic healing and self-discovery.

My therapeutic background is on Jungian Psychology if you want to know more about this please visit the Blog


About Takinuna Healing Centre

Takinuna Healing Centre is a renowned sanctuary for healing, located in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon near Iquitos. Founded by Mr. César Vásquez, a Master Shaman with over two decades of dedicated practice in working with plant medicine, Takinuna embodies a legacy of profound healing and spiritual exploration.  Shamans are revered for their exceptional expertise and wisdom, drawing upon a rich tradition of utilizing over 100 Amazonian plants for diverse healing purposes. 

What distinguishes Takinuna Healing Centre apart is its unique aspect of being managed by native individuals who were born and raised within the realm of plant medicine. By choosing to visit Takinuna, you not only support local communities but can also have confidence in receiving treatment from skilled Master Shamans who stem from a rich lineage of Amazonian healers.

Master Shamans - Plant Medicine

At Takinuna, our Shamans embody unparalleled expertise and deliver their medicine with utmost care, ensuring that your retreat experience is truly exceptional. With meticulous attention to detail, all ceremonies are conducted to provide individualized treatment and support. Our Shamans at Takinuna Healing Centre are not only attentive but also nurturing, cultivating a secure environment where you can feel safe to embark on your journey of exploration and discovery.

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

During the retreats, individuals are encouraged to engage in conversations with the Shamans. These dialogues provide an opportunity to pose questions, gain insights, and fully comprehend their experiences. These interactions hold immense significance, being as vital as the ceremonies themselves.

During the ceremonies, the Shamans incorporate Mapacho and Icaros, which play integral roles. To delve deeper into these topics, please visit our Blog.

The Healing Centre

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

During your retreat, you will have the opportunity to stay at a lodge immersed in the splendour of nature. It offers a serene environment that fosters a deep connection with the surrounding natural beauty. As part of the retreat experience, the diet provided will be vegetarian/plant-based. Our dedicated team ensures that meals are meticulously prepared and tailored to align with the ceremonies. If you have any food allergies or intolerances, kindly inform us in advance so that we can accommodate your needs.


In addition to the transformative ceremonies, the retreat also allows for exploration of the captivating scenery that surrounds you. On days of rest, there will be guided trips through the jungle, where you can immerse yourself in the remarkable nature of the Amazon rainforest. These excursions offer opportunities to encounter indigenous tribes nearby villages, wildlife conservation centres providing insights into the rich culture and natural world available in the Amazon *

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

*The specific trips may vary depending on the program you choose.


About Creative Art Psychotherapies

Creative Psychotherapy & Plant Medicine

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

Art psychotherapy, also known as art therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes the creative process of making art to explore and express emotions, resolve conflicts, improve self-esteem, and support personal growth. 

Through various art forms such as drawing, painting, sculpting, or collage-making, individuals can communicate and reflect on their thoughts and feelings. The therapist works collaboratively with the client, guiding and promoting their artistic expressions to gain insights into their inner world and promote healing and self-discovery. 

There are moments when words are hard to find, especially when attempting to describe our inner state or emotions. 
 During such times, a specific colour, shape, form, texture, or symbol can serve as a gateway to accessing our inner world and provide a direct means of expression.

It’s important to note that the final image itself is not the primary focus in art psychotherapy. Instead, we place emphasis on the process of art-making. 

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

Do I need to be an artist to do Art Psychotherapy?

creative psychotherapy plant medicine

Creative art psychotherapy welcomes individuals of all backgrounds, as creativity is an innate capacity present in everyone and offers potential for healing. In this therapeutic modality, the primary emphasis is not on the final outcome.

The aesthetic quality or visual appeal of the artwork created is not the primary focus. Instead, the attention is on the process of art-making, the emotions that emerge, and the individual’s personal journey as they delve into their inner world through creative expression.

Creativity serves as a powerful medium through which we can authentically express ourselves during our therapeutic journey.


Therapeutic Potential

Extensive research highlights the potential of creative psychotherapy as a valuable tool in the therapeutic process. By giving our feelings a colour, shape, and texture through the creation of images, we gain access to unconscious material that may otherwise remain hidden.

The language of the unconscious is deeply rooted in imagery, signifying that our memories and past experiences are stored in visual form. Through creative expression, we can unlock these visual representations, promoting a deeper understanding and insight into our inner world.


Our Brain on Art

When we express ourselves through art, we actively engage the right hemisphere of the brain, which is associated with creativity, intuition, and emotions. Simultaneously, the left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for rationalization, analysis, and logical thinking, is also involved.

Art psychotherapy facilitates the free flow of emotions, involving our entire being — both conscious and unconscious aspects; as well as left & right hemispheres of the brain —through the process of image-making. It integrates the mind & body through creativity.

‘I am not what happened to me

I am what I choose to become’

C. G. Jung